This 3-port spring return mid-position valve is for use on fully pumped systems which when correctly wired with an appropriate room thermostat, cylinder thermostat and programmer will control the water flow from the boiler to either to hot water only, heating only, or to both simultaneously
Spring return action
Three position operation
Powerhead replaceable without draining down
Manual lever for filling/draining down
Quiet operation, minimal power consumption
Provides electrical output to boiler and/or pump
28mm Compression Fittings
Technical Data
Voltage: 230Vac
Power consumption: 6W
Cable length: 1 metre, 5 core
Fluid temperature: +5 to +88°C
Max ambient temperature: +52°C
Wire colours:
White – Heating on
Blue - neutral
Grey – Hot water off
Green/Yellow – earth
Orange – Hot water boiler pump live
CE : CI02410
ISO 9001:2000