Anti-Fungal Silicone Clear 300ml Mastic

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Product Description:

Anti-Fungal Silicone Clear 300ml Mastic

DESCRIPTION:   An acetone curing silicone with anti-fungal components to prevent mould growth in high humidity areas.  

USES:  For sealing around bath, shower, basin and all sanitary ware.  Provides a long lasting flexible watertight seal.  Adheres to all non-porous surfaces.

DIRECTIONS:  Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from dust, grease and other loose material.  Gun sealant firmly into joint to provide a solid fill.  For sealing baths half fill with water to provide the mid point for joint movement;  empty after the sealant is fully cured.  Curing time is approximately 3mm pre 24 hours at +23c.  Always tool down using spatula or stick wetted with soapy water within 5 minutes of application.  Tack free after 20 minutes.

LIMITATIONS:  Not recommended for application on concrete, marble, lead, copper, galvanised steel and not for PE, PP, PMMA, PC, PTFE or bituminous surfaces.  Not suitable for aquaria.  Not recommended for direct contact with the perimeter of insulation glass, the edges of laminated safety glass or the bedding in of double glazed units.  Adhesion tests prior to application are recommended .  It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability.  Store between +5c and +25c in cool, dry, conditions

SIZE:  300ml