Holdtite Plumbers Repair Box No.3 Tap Washer Box Pegler Delta Supatap Tantofe 83 assorted tap washers
The Holdtite range of Plumbers repair kit boxes are essential for any installer looking for quick replacement washers and seals for most plumbing applications and appliances
This handy box No.3 contains washers and repair items for many standard tap ranges
- 10 x 3/8" Flat Tap Rubber Washers
- 10 x 1/2" Flat Tap Rubber Washers
- 10 x 5/8" Flat Tap Rubber Washers
- 8 x 3/4" Flat Tap Rubber Washers
- 10 x 1/2" Tantofex Tap Rubber Washers
- 1/1 x 1/2" / 3/4" Flat Tap and Jumper
- 5 x 1/2" Delta Tap Washers
- 2/1 x 1/2" / 3/4" Dome Tap and Jumpers
- 10 x 3/4" Tantofex Tap Rubber Washers
- 3/2 x 1/2" Pegler/Barking Grohe Tap Washers
- 5 x 3/4" Delta Tap Washers
- 2/2/1 x Supatap Type A / D / B Washers