A5877AA Easybox Slim Shower Thermostatic Built-in Round Cover
A5878AA Easybox Slim Shower Thermostatic Built-in Square Cover
A5879AA Easybox Slim Shower Thermostatic Built-in Round Cover with 3 Function Diverter
A5880AA Easybox Slim Thermostatic Built-in Shower Valve ~ Square Cover ~ 2 Function Diverter
A6130AA Concept Easybox Slim built-in thermostatic bath shower mixer with oval faceplate
A6266AA Melange Easybox Slim Shower With Diverter
A6303AA Concept Easybox Slim Built-In thermostatic Shower Mixer Valve ~ Oval faceplate
A6350AA Tonic II Easybox Slim Thermostatic Built-In Shower Mixer
A6351AA Tonic II Easybox Slim Thermostatic Built-In Bath Shower Mixer
A6453AA Basento Easy Box Slim Shower